Keverian School Council

George Keverian School
School Council Minutes
Thursday, January 9, 2020 1

Members Present: Alexander Naumann,, Kristen DeCourcy, Danielle Oliva, Lori Fallo, Tammy LaRosa, Niki Zide, Christine Reno, Michelle Allen, Heather Flynn
Members Absent: Janet Taylor, Jennifer Foley, Anita Keelan

  1. Enrollment Update: Naumann informed the council that we should have around 968 students enrolled. 7th and 8th grade currently have around 300 students combined.

  2. Staff Update: Naumann informed the council that two unassigned  staff, Ms. Regina DeSimone and Mr. Kylan Nowell were hired. Mr. Nowell will fill the STEM position for the time being. Mr. Naumann also inquired for another inclusion teacher to alleviate some of the needs of the students.

  3. ACCESS Testing/iReady Testing: Naumann informed the council that iReady Reading testing is currently being administered as well as ACCESS testing for English Learners. iReady Math testing will be administered at the end of the month.

  4. Updated Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday January 16, 2020: Naumann informed the council of the updated dates of Parent/Teacher Conferences,

  5. Families in Need/Holiday: Naumann informed the council that the school has done well with these two items. Families of the Keverian School were given resources during the holiday season.

  6. YMCA Food Pantry Truck Update: Naumann informed the council that the YMCA Food Truck is very successful. Many Keverian families are benefitting from this partnership.

  7. Vocal Night: March 11, 2020: Naumann informed the council that Mrs. Cheri Spencer, Mrs. Amanda Bodvar, and Ms. Alessandra Bisconti are working to prepare students for this event.

  8. Superintendent Hiring: Naumann informed the council that the new Superintendent of Schools, Ms. Priya Tahiliani will begin [on March 1, 2020].

  9. SMS Texting School Messenger Update: Naumann informed the council that he is working with the technology department to set this up.

  10. Chromebook Carts: Naumann informed the council that he was able to order a new Chromebook cart to replace the older ones.

  11. Middle School Dance: Naumann informed the council he would like to plan a middle school dance. Ms. Kristen DeCourcy suggested Thursday February 13, 2020 as a possible date for the event.

  12. Crossing Guards: Naumann informed the council that we are in need of crossing guards.

  13. Building Maintenance: Naumann informed the council the building is clean. The custodians are doing a great job cleaning the building.

  14. New Business: N/ A

  15. Old Business: N/ A

  16. Next Meeting: Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 1:00 m.

 Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.